About Robotic system education
<Why is computer science education now? >
The age of children born in the 21st century is the age of AI. There are also predictions that in the next 30 years, human work will be done by robots and the unemployment rate will exceed 50%. In order to live in such a world, it is indispensable to know the basic principles that operate that world, and learn how software and programs work and how to instruct computers. Is to go. In our garden, through computer science education, not only learning IT knowledge and techniques, but also through experiences of thinking and creating ideas, trial and error to complete new ideas Develop the power to lead the AI era.
In 2020, programming education will be required at elementary schools
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has announced that it will consider compulsory programming education at elementary schools,and discussions are proceeding in the direction of inclusion inthe new study guidance guidelines from FY2020. At elementary schools around the world, programming education has already started, and preparations for compulsory education are progressing.
What is programming education?
An expert meeting led by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology positions programming education as follows. “Programming education is the power that is universally required beyond the times, no matter what occupation it takes in the future, while allowing children to experience being able to instruct their computers to perform the intended processing. To cultivate "programming thinking" as In other words, “programmatic thinking” is the power that everyone has to acquire in order to live.
Why programming education is necessary
There are voices of anxiety, such as "Is there no longer any occupation that humans can play an active part due to the evolution of artificial intelligence?" Many future predictions have been announced. To cultivate the necessary qualities and abilities so that children can pioneer their own lives and create a better society because it is a time of rapid change and difficult future predictions. Is demanded.
Programming is essential knowledge for children living in the future, as well as reading, writing, and computing. Currently, regardless of the type of industry or job, it is necessary to organize information and knowledge on its own, process data according to the purpose, and arrange the appearance of data according to the contents to be explained. Knowledge and skills are very useful.
Why is English?

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